Faul - Something New - текст песни
What is the purpose of tonight my baby
it's my fortune domain act
I need to feel where you're my baby
Are you ready to create
Something new
I don't want it to be a sign
let me take you away
Can't you see the light
I guess we found our way
I love to see your smile
All your faces stark again
Can't you see the light
I guess we found our way
I love to see your smile
All your faces stark again
I don't want it to be all the same
What is the purpose of tonight my baby
it's my fortune domain act
I need to feel where you're my baby
Are you ready to create
Something new
I don't want it to be a sign
let me take you away
Can't you see the light
(Can't you see the light)
I guess we found our way
(I guess we found our way)
I love to see your smile
(I love to see your smile)
All your faces stark again
I don't want it to be all the same
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