Charlotte Perrelli - Hero (Евровидение 2008 - Швеция) - текст песни
Everything has a beginning
Everything comes to an end
Take it or leave it you'd better believe it
Be my love or be my friend
Try to deny what you're feeling
And you´ll know that your heart will say no
Love will last longer
Only stronger and stronger
If you stay and don´t let go
Oo Out of the light like a star, like a hero
Love will survive
Oo Taking the fight is the life of a hero
Staying alive
This is a story, of love and compassion
Only heroes can tell
Out of the light, like a star like a hero
Love will survive
Heaven and earth keep colliding
But with love on a world of it´s own
Oo there you can´t fake it
Just make it or break it
But only you can find the one
Oo Out of the light like a star, like a hero
Love will survive
Oo Taking the fightis the life of a hero
Staying alive
This is a story, of love and compassion
Only heroes can tell
Oo Out of the light, like a star like a hero
Love, will survive
Will survive
Oo survive
Will survive
Heroes can live on their own
But heroes never die alone
Out of the light like a star, like a hero
Love will survive
Oo Taking the fightis the life of a hero
Staying alive
This is a story, of love and compassion
Only heroes can tell
Oo Out of the light, like a star like a hero
Love will survive
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