Isis Gee - For Life (Евровидение 2008 - Польша) - текст песни
I had no choice
Perfectly clear from the start
I heard your voice
And I was falling
Into a space
Where daylight kisses moonlit skies
It was the place
as written in your eyes
And oh, we made it
We finally found our way
And celebrating
Just where we...We stand today
I'll let my heart show the way
Oceans and mountians between us
Because your love Is why
You made the wrong right
I will give my all
will heed your call
For Life
I had no choice
Perfectly clear from the start
I will rejoice
Embrace your calling
And into a space
Where daylight kisses moonlit skies
I heard your voice
And I knew it was for life
I'll let my heart show the way
Oceans and mountians between us
Because your love Is why
ou made the wrong right
I will give my all
Will heed your call
For Life
For Life
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